Hi Leslie! Just a quick note to tell you we couldn't be more thrilled with Sydney. She is literally perfect in every way!! She is fearless, social, loving, smart and beautiful! We started puppy classes and she goes to daycare three days a week. The teacher of her class is a nationally known trainer and used to work in the show rings and she compliments you so highly! Sydney is the smartest dog in any of her classes and she says it is because you raise your puppies so well.
Welcome to the blog for Southern Star Mini Aussies, now also known as Miniature American Shepherds, affectionally called "Wiggle Butts". This is a wonderful breed that is very intelligent, loyal and can be somewhat active and may be reserved with strangers. Many excel in performance events such as herding, agility, disc dog, flyball, dock diving, rally, conformation, and enjoy most being your best buddy. Mini Aussies range in size from 14"-18" top of shoulder and 20-40lbs. The smaller versions are referred to as Toy Aussies. These fur-kids are very much like potato chips and you can't have just one. If you would like to be owned by an Aussie, we would love to talk to you.