Welcome to the blog for Southern Star Mini Aussies, now also known as Miniature American Shepherds, affectionally called "Wiggle Butts". This is a wonderful breed that is very intelligent, loyal and can be somewhat active and may be reserved with strangers. Many excel in performance events such as herding, agility, disc dog, flyball, dock diving, rally, conformation, and enjoy most being your best buddy. Mini Aussies range in size from 14"-18" top of shoulder and 20-40lbs. The smaller versions are referred to as Toy Aussies. These fur-kids are very much like potato chips and you can't have just one. If you would like to be owned by an Aussie, we would love to talk to you.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Metallica aka "Cricket" Made it Home to Louisiana

Hi Leslie!
Metallica aka Cricket is back home in New Orleans and is an absolute joy! We spent the weekend in Fort Worth for the holiday, and within 24 hours, she was telling us when she needed to go potty, responding to her name, and sleeping like a champ! The first night she slept the entire night without a peep! The next night she would whine for maybe 10 minutes, then slept until she had to go potty at 1 am. I have to agree with Kathy when I say that I think I've somehow killed her when she is quiet in her crate!!! It's too good to be true! I was worried about the 8 hour car ride back to New Orleans on Monday, but she again surprised me. She slept THE WHOLE WAY THERE in her crate, and would go potty when we stopped for gas. This little girl has already brought us so much love and joy, and we can't wait to watch her grow up! Pictures to come soon!
I can never thank you enough for everything you do for these puppies. She is so well adjusted, calm and loving and I truly appreciate all the love and care that went into her first 8 weeks!

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